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NewSky Tools Plugin

Begonnen von Powie, 11. Oktober 2024, 07:02:18

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


=== Powie's NewSky Tools Plugin ===
Contributors: PowieT
Donate link:
Tags: NewSky, Flightsim, VA
Requires at least: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 0.9.0
License: GPLv2

NewSky Tools Airline API

== Description ==
A plugin to fetch VA Airline Informations for the NewSky Airline API and embed it via Shortcodeson your pages.

= Documentation =
Open NewSky and generate two API Key: NewSky -> My airline -> Manage -> General -> API Access. We need two keys,
because of the fact that the API key for maps is displyed in the source of your page later.

Scopes for your map API key: map
Scopes for your airline API key: flights

Open the settings page of this plugin and add your API keys.
Add a shortcode to one of your pages.

**Basic example:**
Example: [newsky-recent count=20]. This will sho the latest 20 flights of your Virtual Airline.

ou can add attributes to the shortcode, matching to parameters of the NewSky API endpoints.

NewSky API Documentation:

=== Supported Endpoints ===

* map - [newsky-map]
* flights/ongoing - [newsky-ongoing]
* flights/recent - [newsky-recent]
* airline - [newsky-airline] (Stats)
* airline - [newsky-stats data] Single Data

=== Custom Templates ===

If you need to customize outputs, you can make a copy of all or a needed file from /templates to a location of your choice. This will be upgrade-safe!
Set the folder in Plugins settings under "Custom templates path". The plugin now will use these file/s.

= Support =
Support Forum @ [](
Discord @ [ Discord](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Place the shortcode on your page or for example `<?php echo do_shortcode('[newsky-recent]'); ?>` in your templates...

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Use our forum at for support

== Changelog ==

= 0.9.0 (xx.xx.2024) =
* initial version

== Upgrade Notice ==
just upgrade

== Screenshots ==
1. Shortcode output on a page
2. Map

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