
still alive...


Was für ein Videogame Charakter seid ihr?

Begonnen von wulf, 16. Juli 2003, 12:56:21

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

wulf\" rel=\"external nofollow\">
Mein Ergebnis\" alt=\"10.gif\" />
I am Link.
Versatile and well-meaning, I\\\'m simply striving for a better lifestyle. I find that people really look up to me. Even tall people. Not to brag, but the opposite sex would surely place me on their \\\"most eligible\\\" list, and I\\\'d be more than happy to oblige. I often find that in a crowd I typically emerge as the leader, something which doesn\\\'t always come naturally to me.
(If you were not Link you would be Blackjack Dealer.)
/uploads/emoticons/icon_e_surprised.gif.a8707b3f35a569cb4cfe563fc72ef78d.gif\" alt=\":-o\" />

gruß qF`WuLF

» visit\" rel=\"external nofollow\"> und ganz neu:\" rel=\"external nofollow\">

» IRC: #quakeFans im Quakenet

sabre\" alt=\"13.gif\" />
I am KC Munchkin.
Free-spirited and fun to be around, I brighten the world around me. I try to have as much fun as possible but am willing to manage my responsibilities as well. It could even be said that I have fun while I\\\'m working, and that\\\'s because I have a positive, \\\"can do\\\" attitude and don\\\'t let life\\\'s little gremlins get me down. /uploads/emoticons/icon_e_smile.gif.4a0acefcb917340d2c82e5239c009e6e.gif\" alt=\":)\" />

\"Ich habe mir immer gewünscht, dass mein Computer so leicht zu bedienen ist wie mein Telefon; mein Wunsch ging in Erfüllung: mein Telefon kann ich jetzt auch nicht mehr bedienen.\" - Bjarne Stroustrup\" alt=\"7.gif\" />
I am a Demon Attack demon./uploads/emoticons/icon_e_surprised.gif.a8707b3f35a569cb4cfe563fc72ef78d.gif\" alt=\":-o\" /> *rofl*
People view me as a threat, and I like it that way. My penchant for getting into trouble is often the direct result of my hostility toward the world around me. I\\\'m told that I can get more with sugar than I can with vinegar. Well, I can get more with a payload of death-dealing laser bolts than sugar, plus it\\\'s a lot more fun that way.

?>silv3r$t@r\" alt=\"11.gif\" />
I am Mega Man
I belong in either the police or the fire department. Skillful and not afraid to take the offensive, I have few fears and even fewer enemies.
I\\\'m good at getting through crisis and don\\\'t mind taking charge when the situation calls for it. I might be considered a public defender but I\\\'m really aspiring to loftier goals.

\"Menschen mit einer neuen Idee gelten so lange als Spinner, bis sich die Sache durchgesetzt hat. Mark Twain\"

ROFL, MegaMan roboter MegaMan roboter *titelmusiksing*


lolllllll das war ne verdammt geile zeit /uploads/emoticons/icon_e_wink.gif.3167d127940f44558fbf1ccd9b6d60a9.gif\" alt=\";-)\" />/uploads/emoticons/icon_e_biggrin.gif.40dcc5d69f84e2cf29e77d8e1e9a84e2.gif\" alt=\":D\" />:-O

\"Menschen mit einer neuen Idee gelten so lange als Spinner, bis sich die Sache durchgesetzt hat. Mark Twain\"

gerde\" alt=\"18.gif\" /> I am Sonic the Hedgehog.
I am the life of the party. If there isn\\\'t a party going on, there\\\'s going to be one as soon as I get there. Life is a stage to me, and I\\\'m on every one. Carefree and sometimes wild, my sense of humor and natural good looks make me the center of attention. Unfortunately, that means there are forces who want to knock me down a peg, so I tend to watch my spiny back.
(If you were not Sonic you would be Mega Man.)

Es gibt nur einen Gott: belafarinrod!\" alt=\"ugly.gif\">


I am Link.
Versatile and well-meaning, I\\\'m simply striving for a better lifestyle. I find that people really look up to me. Even tall people. Not to brag, but the opposite sex would surely place me on their \\\"most eligible\\\" list, and I\\\'d be more than happy to oblige. I often find that in a crowd I typically emerge as the leader, something which doesn\\\'t always come naturally to me.
(If you were not Link you would be Bomberman.)\" rel=\"external nofollow\">XHTML |\" rel=\"external nofollow\">CSS |\" rel=\"external nofollow\">Tabellenloses Design |\" rel=\"external nofollow\">PHP\" alt=\"19.gif\" />
It\\\'s all about my friends. I\\\'d jump through hoops and climb mountains to help out a friend in need. If that friend happens to be of the opposite sex, all the better. People or things that try to prevent me from my goals are in for a rude awakening too, because I\\\'m a lot tougher than I look. I know this because Molly told me so.
  - Editiert von Koni am 16.07.2003, 17:11 -\" alt=\"8.gif\" />
My dedication toward the safety and well-being of others is unparalleled. Many people who I would consider \\\"acquaintances\\\" consider me to be a very good friend of theirs. Just sitting here right now is holding me up from something much more important that I need to attend to, like pulling a baby out of a burning building. I gotta go.

arbitrio\" alt=\"11.gif\" />
I am Mega Man.
I belong in either the police or the fire department. Skillful and not afraid to take the offensive, I have few fears and even fewer enemies. I\\\'m good at getting through crisis and don\\\'t mind taking charge when the situation calls for it. I might be considered a public defender but I\\\'m really aspiring to loftier goals.

Unser Glück war immer da

Immer da, wo wir nicht waren

Holen wir\'s uns zurück

Und mehr davon, Stück für Stück

Geht ein Traum in Flammen auf

Such dir einen neuen aus

Der Rest verschwindet von allein

Dies ist ein Aufruf zum glücklich sein


silver und arbi sind beide mega man\" alt=\"icon10.gif\" />

gruß qF`WuLF

» visit\" rel=\"external nofollow\"> und ganz neu:\" rel=\"external nofollow\">

» IRC: #quakeFans im Quakenet

rainbow\" alt=\"21.gif\" />
I am a Yar.
I am the ultimate soldier. I have an undying loyalty towards the things I believe in and will go to any lengths to uphold them. Some might call me a \\\"grunt\\\", but I know that the efforts of every individual contributes to a much greater cause. My secret weapon is the knowledge that even the strongest of forces has a chink in it\\\'s armor, and it\\\'s going to be ME that finds it.

Ich sauge mir gerade die Megaman Titelmusik (von der Trickfilmserie), die ist sowas von fundig:-O

all your base are belong to us / Discord